Watch the free FULL video version of my colonoscopy results…

To colonoscopy or not to colonoscopy, that was the question last week…

Well, me and my ass followed through with it and first things first I SURVIVED!!

Out of all my fears from last week that was one of the biggest even though it wouldn’t affect me as much, cause… well you know… I’d be gone.

I am not!!

Here’s the FULL Recap of all that happened in and out of my asshole last week.

I’m sharing the small but full length version of it below and my amazing members can of course watch the full HD size and quality in the members section here:

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I am alive and kicking and almost none of my fears came true!!

I did have a reaction and was a little sick after the anesthesia but nothing serious just really uncomfortable and irritating.

So the discomfort I talked about: NORMAL!! No ass lighting (cancer) no polyps and nothing they missed, I am good for the next 3 years

I’m just that weird and sensitive and can feel everything BUT ITS NOT CANCER!!

I am not allergic to the staples and it healed perfectly in there

The place and doctor were wonderful and I was in and out so quick that when they called B he was worried something was wrong.

They were done in under 2 hours from the time I walked into the front office.

Honestly a lot of it was a blur before during and after and I’m glad it’s over.

I started my period right after and that’s helped with my hormones leveling out because I am nuts right before.

Now B and I are planning our anniversary (13 years together) and it will be a FULL day with no social media.

So needed and so ready for that.

I’m moving my webcam show up a day early this week, so it will be on Saturday at noon eastern time NOT Sunday.

Silver Option Cumming Soon To Current Members Only

Silver Memberships are opening for the FIRST time very soon, only open as an upgrade to current Bronze members so get in on that now if you aren’t already here: BeCUM A Bronze Member!! 🙂

This is perfect for people who’ve been curious to try my site for the first time but don’t care about the personal interaction and just want to get right to the content!! 🙂

Or for anyone that’s been waiting for the higher tier memberships to open up since they will only be available as an upgrade to current Bronze members first, so don’t wait 🙂

And if you’re already a member, stay tuned… 😉

You can see details on joining right here:

Cum Join Me Here…

Cum Join Me…

If you’ve been on the fence about joining or just haven’t rejoined in a while, NOW would be a great time to join the fun right HERE now!! 🙂

Now even MORE to add to my realest deepest darkest bio ever, at least for now right in the middle of this next big adventure!! 🙂

I’ve put out a brand new full video every single day for YEARS and YEARS with THOUSANDS built up in my members’ area now!! 🙂

Cum get caught up in my members’ area right HERE!! 🙂

Did you know I post a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? 🙂 Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on… 😉

Join Me Here

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Don’t forget…

And don’t forget my next live weekly members’ show is A DAY EARLY this week on SATURDAY afternoon, July 16, 2022 at 12pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Did you know I post a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? 🙂 Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on… 😉

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Discover the truth of my deep, dark past but also my amazing and bright future in my full no holding back bio plus how to get more of YOUR favorite content here: The Real Story Behind Lelu Love...

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