Very scary week but I survived TWO negative COVID testsā€¦

This was supposed to be an action packed week but NOT this kind of action!! šŸ™

This was supposed to be my big birthday celebration trip that I had planned for so long and was SO looking forward to but then RIGHT as I was starting to get ready and pack for it I started feeling offā€¦

I went downhill fast with a major fever and pretty much EVERY symptom or coronavirus other than the chest/respiratory issuesā€¦

My fever spiked to almost 104 at itā€™s worst and stayed between 102 and 103 long enough to turn me into a complete zombie along with extreme abdominal pain and constant major toilet issuesā€¦

I lost pounds in just a few days when I was supposed to be GAINING those pounds at Disney stuffing my face with my custom made birthday cake and some of my favorite meals and treats!! šŸ™

So of course I had to cancel the trip while I waited for my COVID test results but at that point it didnā€™t matter anyway, I had to take breathers and breaks just getting from the bed to the bathroom and backā€¦

ā€œLuckilyā€ the COVID tests did come back negative the finger prick and the nose one but there were times when I wished I did have it because whatever I had seemed worse in some of those moments!!

And just so you know that nose test is NOT a q-tip, much more like jamming a mascara wand into your brain!! šŸ™ lol

I am finally on the upswing but still just SO frustrating because I got so behind on everything and I am NOT a patient person if you havenā€™t noticed by now lol so trying to stay still and go slow and recover is NOT easy for me!!

Thank you all so much for reaching out and checking in on me and Iā€™m so sorry I havenā€™t been able to reply to many emails or keep up through all this and so backed up on custom video orders and Skype shows now too šŸ™

Iā€™m trying to do my best to follow doctorā€™s orders and rest up and recover and I will at least be getting caught up on emails since Iā€™m supposed to be sitting around anyway and at least makes me feel like Iā€™m doing something and a little less worthless and useless!!

If I donā€™t have any more setbacks I should be ready to get back to custom videos and shows this weekend and at least I had already gotten so many done and scheduled since I thought I would be out of town right now that the site hasnā€™t missed a beat while Iā€™ve been down and out šŸ™‚

This weekā€™s live members show was already pushed to Saturday because I was supposed to be at Disney right now but obviously Iā€™m still not ready for either one of those so still keeping the show where itā€™s at on Saturday at 11am where I will hopefully be back to 100% and ready to start getting back on track and having fun with you all again!! šŸ™‚

As always thereā€™s been a brand new full video and picture set EVERY single day this week and for almost 10 YEARS in a row now, over 3 THOUSAND videos and counting, and will STILL be already scheduled even while Iā€™m out of town, nobody appreciates and takes care of their members like I do!! šŸ™‚ So cum get caught up on the most interactive and most updated sexy site online in my membersā€™ area right HERE!! šŸ™‚

Weekly Pics Poll

Hereā€™s where I post my favorite pics of the week and you vote on YOUR favorite!! šŸ™‚

Sound fun?? Hereā€™s this weekā€™s pics then the quick poll below:

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my membersā€™ only section?? šŸ™‚ Cum join me inside to see what else youā€™re missing out onā€¦ šŸ˜‰

Join Me Here

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Donā€™t forgetā€¦

And donā€™t forget the live weekly membersā€™ show is NOT tonight, but an early show on Saturday, August 22, 2020 at 11am Eastern US time instead right HERE (if you canā€™t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my membersā€™ only section?? šŸ™‚ Cum join me inside to see what else youā€™re missing out onā€¦ šŸ˜‰

Join Me Here

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8 thoughts on ā€œVery scary week but I survived TWO negative COVID testsā€¦ā€

  1. SO glad to hear your tests came backs negative!! šŸ™‚
    Really sucks that it messed up your whole trip but trips and shows can be rescheduled and emails can wait, YOUR health is more important than any of that. Relieved to hear that youā€™re recovering now!! šŸ™‚

    Sending lots of well wishes and love!! šŸ™‚

    Oh and I went with the red lingerie and heels for the killer legs and toe cleavage!! šŸ˜‰

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