First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
It’s still moving week, slowly but surely getting things over there one car load at a time
The movers will be coming tomorrow to get the big stuff like beds and couches and all so tomorrow might be the first night spent in the new house even though there will still be lots more small stuff to get over there in a lot more trips
Internet will be hooked up on Friday so that’s obviously one of the most important things
Every time I visit the new house, I don’t want to leave so I can’t wait until I don’t have to anymore!!
Tonight’s webcam show will still be at the old house of course since there’s no internet at the new place but next week’s show should be the first one in the new house so I can show you all around a little bit even though I’m sure things won’t be very unpacked or decorated by then
This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:
And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
I like the webcam topless and packing and I’m glad that you are almost moved in to your new place
Thanks Doug and yep looks like it took two full webcam shows to get that room packed!! lol
I love both up skirt and seen what color panties the girl has on and looking down shirt and seen if the girl has a bra on I love doing both
Thanks Stanley!!
your welcome my friend you are sure pretty thank you f0r the birthday photo