Super important question about video downloads…

First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Super important question about video downloads…

There’s pretty much always upgrades and tweaks happening in the background but even extra this year. I always want my site to be the best it can be so the main thing recently was to get the streaming working really great for everyone and so far so good!! 🙂

I’ve put out a brand new video every single day since the beginning of 2012!! Not like “most days” or “except weekends” or “other than holidays”, I mean a new video EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY! for over half a decade and counting!! lol 🙂 There’s almost 3 THOUSAND total videos I’ve done on my site!! 🙂

That’s A LOT of content and doesn’t even count 2010 and 2011 when I put one out ALMOST every day 🙂 So all that content adds up quick and takes up lots of space and resources to keep running!! 🙂

Most everyone has said the site has been a lot faster and smoother when watching the videos which is great!! 🙂 (If you don’t agree or are still having issues then please email me at lelulovexoATgmailDOTcom so I can get it taken care of for you 😉

Now that the streaming is working better than ever now it’s the downloads that are having problems lol Fixing one thing is great but also of course sometimes means breaking other things along the way 🙂

The downloads are going super fast but they are stopping/cancelling for a lot of people and giving a “network/server error”, all you have to do now is just click the “resume download” to make it pick up right where it left off and it will usually finish on the second or third try.

That’s better than before when it wouldn’t finish at all but of course still annoying and some people don’t even know that you can resume it now to pick up where it left off 🙂

So for the next steps on the best way to fix it, it would be SUPER helpful if you could answer these couple quick questions for me right below here, then we can all figure out together the best way to make it all even better 🙂

If you have more to add or want to offer any ideas or anything you can just leave a comment below or email me directly at lelulovexoATgmailDOTcom

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Don’t forget…

And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

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Discover the truth of my deep, dark past but also my amazing and bright future in my full no holding back bio plus how to get more of YOUR favorite content here: The Real Story Behind Lelu Love...

2 thoughts on “Super important question about video downloads…”

  1. Dear Lelu,
    We just voted for the streaming option, but we are not quite sure about the best solution to use !
    Do not hesitate to give us more explanation(s)… Anyway we know you still have hard problems concerning our new e-mail address : adding a (lower case) c to heliopolis seems very difficult. Perhaps it would be better to create a complete new address, like if we were brand new members, then you could fully forget or even erase the old one ?
    On another most enjoying subject, you deserve our sincere congratulations for having recorded more than three thousands fucking scenes. My lovely previous wife (deceased on 2000) would have had the true possibility to compete, doubling such a performance from 1982 to 1996 where at least eight a week stopless intercourses in public with different men were the minimum.
    All our best Naturist kisses,
    Chantal & Alexandre.

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