UPDATE May 27, 2021: If you’re one of my amazing supportive members or you are ready to beCUM one, you can watch the actual video of this with the leak and near impregnation that we didn’t even know about until after the video was over right here (The Infamous REAL Almost Impregnation Condom Leak Video)!!
*UPDATE* January 21, 2021 at 8am: YES!! I’ve officially started my period, so it was the magic of putting this blog post out and all those good vibes from you that helped and now I can finally BREATHE and relax and even though I’m already feeling all of the usual PMS symptoms that I usually hate, I’ve never been happier to have them!!
Well I’m still here waiting and STILL no period but also STILL no positive pregnancy test either after the recent pregnancy scare (details from last week here: Pregnancy Scare Still In Full Swing, When We Will Know For Sure… or listen to the full podcast episode about what happened here: 253: Pregnancy Scare What Happened & When I Will Know)…
No idea WTF is going on and still haven’t gotten any better in the past week at being patient and NOT anxious about these types of things in the meantime either
Everything was feeling totally normal like my period was coming on then boom it disappears and nothing so I don’t know if it was the fact that we went super overboard on junk food day or just all the stress and anxiety of me not knowing but so far I’m completely in limbo…
I’m going to give it a few more days and if nothing changes then I’ll make an appointment to try to figure out what’s going on…
I’ve taken at least one pregnancy test every day and all have been strong negative so I was thinking maybe I just had a bad batch so we got one of the super fancy more expensive ones today and still super negative…
Thank you for all your love and support and understanding while I lose my F’ing mind these past couple of weeks lol every time I think I’m in the clear and start getting caught back up then this up and down roller coaster goes for another loop and I get so behind again!!
I’m keeping it together WAY better than I would have even just a few months ago though so I’m trying to at least give myself grace and credit for that, I just REALLY want to know something for sure either way and I know you do too so we can all move forward together!!
Thank you for hanging in there with me and of course I will update here and everywhere as soon as I know for sure WTF is going on!!
Weekly Pics Poll
Here’s where I post my favorite pics of the week and you vote on YOUR favorite!!
Sound fun?? Here’s this week’s pics then the quick poll below:

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on…
Weekly Videos Screencap Recap
This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:
Don’t forget…
And don’t forget my next live weekly members’ show is this Saturday, January 23, 2021 at 11am Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on…
I think you are pregnant. That’s why you are sleeping more than usual.
Sorry to hear that you’re still dealing with this situation
Hoping you’re able to find some fun things and projects to do keep your mind somewhat busy.
Wishing you the best of luck and hope you get an answer SOON!!
Hmm I don’t really know anything about this stuff but I believe you should definitely go get checked out. If are pregnant a big congratulations to the both of you. Hopefully you figure it out soon.

Love, Gary
Did you get a scratch inside your vagina by like fingernail. My late wife had a similar incident when we were first dating. Thought she was pregnant, but nope I think I scratched her cervix. She got a little infection. Kept her from having a period.
Glad you finally got an answer and can put this all behind you!!
I’m glad you dodged a bullet this time. Love those cream pies but maybe be careful Love.
Beautiful sweetheart