SCARIEST Happy Ending To Magical Adventure & How I Saved Our Lives!! :)

WOW well at least we had a pretty calm couple weeks without any major events and then the dreaded Disney trip did end up going SO great even though it had a CRAZY ending!! šŸ™‚

If you remember the flat tire fiasco on the way back from our OTHER Disney trip, that was NOTHING compared to this!! lol šŸ™‚

Everything was going super perfect all day, then we pull into a rest stop that night on the way back over halfway homeā€¦

I notice the brakes of the RV acting a little weirdā€¦

At least it FELT like the brakes, so I turn everything off, go back and pee and then start it back upā€¦

Still feels really weird but Iā€™m creeping so slow in the parking lot itā€™s hard to tellā€¦

I test the gas and brakes a few more times and everything starts feeling more normal so I pull back out onto the highwayā€¦

Everything is feeling ok so far, speeding up 10mph to 20 to 40 to 60 and no big deal Iā€™m thinking must have been nothing serious right??

WRONG!! šŸ™

Engine starts REVVING on the highway trying to get up over 80 miles per hour with my foot OFF the gas and going on the brakes!!

Luckily I learned to drive with my first car was a stick and I knew to throw it in neutral immediately and at least that stopped our RV trying to turn us into a speeding bullet for now!!

But now Iā€™m on the highway coasting slower and slower with NOWHERE to get off the road because thereā€™s a median/wall on both sides!!

Finally just in time thereā€™s a break in the wall just enough for me to get off to the side of the highway with the cars and trucks still flying by and me still mostly in shock!!

We were finally able to track down a towing company that could handle an RV instead of just the small car ones and spent the next hours until past midnight getting us and our RV back home safelyā€¦

We had an AMAZING tow truck driver that was able to thread the needle of our front gate with his forty foot truck AND our RV towing behind him with only inches to spare on each side!! šŸ™‚

We STILL havenā€™t found out what actually went wrong yet because there were so many error messages and have no idea what the fix will be or how much it will costā€¦

I had to wait even longer after all that for my adrenaline to finally start calming down enough to ā€œcrashā€ and get some very deep sleep after a very long day!! šŸ™‚

And ALL of that was actually the SECOND time I saved our lives within 30 minutes on that same trip that night on the way back home!! The first time was much less dramatic and happened and was done much faster but could have been just as bad or worse!! šŸ™

Hear all about that one plus Iā€™m sure many details I left out from Bā€™s point of view too in the podcast episode we recorded about it right here: ā€œ263: How I Saved Our Lives TWICE In Thirty Minutesā€

The audio version is free for all, but my amazing members get the video versions of ALL my podcast episodes right here too šŸ™‚

Weekly Pics Poll

Hereā€™s where I post my favorite pics of the week and you vote on YOUR favorite!! šŸ™‚

Sound fun?? Hereā€™s this weekā€™s pics then the quick poll below:

POV Pussy Eating Under My Dress
Upside Down Cumshot In Stockings
Wet Creamy Pussy Bubbles

YOUR favorite pic of the week?? šŸ™‚ (Mar24)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my membersā€™ only section?? šŸ™‚ Cum join me inside to see what else youā€™re missing out onā€¦ šŸ˜‰

Join Me Here

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Donā€™t forgetā€¦

And donā€™t forget my next live weekly membersā€™ show is this Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 11am Eastern US time right HERE (if you canā€™t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my membersā€™ only section?? šŸ™‚ Cum join me inside to see what else youā€™re missing out onā€¦ šŸ˜‰

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5 thoughts on ā€œSCARIEST Happy Ending To Magical Adventure & How I Saved Our Lives!! :)ā€


  2. All that practice handling a ā€œstickā€ let Captain SaveAHoe save the day TWICE!! šŸ˜‰

    Love the under the dress shot, such an interesting angle!! šŸ‘…

  3. eating pussy under a dress is a desire of mine so itā€™s naturally my first pic but all of the pics were hot.

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