Say hello to my new puppy!! :)

First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Had a GREAT week last week with family in town AND finally got to pick out my new puppy!! 🙂

We had the second pick and the people with the first pick chose theirs, then the one I wanted right from the start was still available!! 🙂


I get to pick him up next week!! 🙂 Who’s been paying attention and knows what breed he is?? 😉

Went to the zoo on Monday too which is always fun, a really great and huge zoo here and the first time I covered in the whole thing in one day so got my 10,000 FitBit steps that day easily!! 🙂

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

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Discover the truth of my deep, dark past but also my amazing and bright future in my full no holding back bio plus how to get more of YOUR favorite content here: The Real Story Behind Lelu Love...

11 thoughts on “Say hello to my new puppy!! :)”

  1. I am very pleased to vote for your “March-2015-Cum-Schedule” . That’s what you know we regularly organized at Dourdan where the intensive enjoyment of my wife’s pussy was always expected. Even if she had hex sex sometimes filled otherwise, we always preferred precise creampie schedule… like yours !

  2. Hi lelu i like very much March-2015-Cum-Schedule” your pussy so clean cute your every day cuting pussy hair?

  3. Wow, i must say the amount of output you produced within a week is considerable! I’ve started a new ‘carreer oppertunity’ last week and seeing all your work displayed here helped put things in perspective; 1] The business, however lush it may seem, it’s still hard work that’s physicaly demanding. (not that i’m complaining ). The custom stuff and efford diserves that praise 2] Original content. (as far as fucking goes, haha). Interactivity, personal dialogue and involvement with your flock, creates interesting content. Nice cum-schedule. Great tits. Brilliant business concept. Most great ideas are often things overlooked, not invented. Which brings me to 3) the balls to publish personal info, sacrificing privacy to install camera’s for your members, and overall accessabillity and engagement on a personal level. And i guess for some a virtual girlfriend given your aptitude for roleplaying and enthuasiasm.
    But let’s face it.
    All that is stated above, makes you good.
    But the fact is, that after from a rough first week on my ‘new job’ i’m still ditching 20 mins of my (employer enforced )gymschedule to sit behind my laptop and watch you fuck like a pony with with my dick in my hand.
    That makes you GREAT.

    That is also why i am reluctant to (re)join your site. Because of the solid business model and the fact you’re fuckable and remained ‘human’ i have no doubt you will be huge. And that succes of multitude, will come at the expence of personal engagement with your fan base and eventually, spare time for custom content will gradually deminish. I hope you realize that i, in no way, am here to bitch or whine. What you’ve done uptill now rocks cocks and diserves praise. But the price of public succes is individuality and once big enough you cannot maintain all the custom content without staffing up at the likely loss of personal involvement. And since appart from your fuckable cute ass, YOU are still mainly the product of your endeavour.
    In our prior email exchange i wanted to ask you some questions and provided some background as to why. And i guess that as an adult model i am a fan of you and from your replies by mail i guess i could respect you as a business woman. But i cannot help but feel that little extra edge that you have over others, the “interactivity” or dialogue has to be bought from you through membership. Of course this is business to you, as it is to me which is why i, considering the tiny bit of background provided in your bio and the concept of your works, decided to approach you as a professional. Because though, i think you without a doubt, have a nice juicy snatch and possess the fuckability factor, but are also a buiseness woman and human being with areas of expertise. Perhaps my mistake, after all a job is a job.
    But given the choice, i’d rather be a fanboy that surely donates to someone that’s accessable as a person wether providing answers or not, then someone that respects another as an business individual, that, appart from a free greeting should buy a personal reply through membership. A:” how are you” could atleast feign kindness, even if not sincere. Because realismm Anyway, i wish you the best. To succes, blood, sweat and hardcore, do you want some more.

    Mike Maximum

    1. Wow that was a big comment and by the end I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad lol but I can definitely tell you that my members ALWAYS get priority and I take that very seriously, but of course that means I don’t have as much time to answer everyone else but always members every single day and I’m sure they can vouch for that 🙂

  4. I know you are busy, but I just wanted to say that your site is SO refreshing. Porn gets old….same ole same ole. However, YOU make things interesting and fresh. It’s nice to see just a regular person taking the time to please others as well as yourself. You seem so “normal”. Ha…..what is normal? My next paycheck is the day I sign up to get more exclusive access. Keep up the great work. It can get pretty lonely out there and it’s nice to know I can feel connected somewhere. You are amazing and B is one lucky guy. Where did you guys meet? Take care and have fun in Virginia. I live in VA near the mountains in the Shenandoah Valley. There are so many things to do. Check out the Shenandoah river while you are here. Take care lovely lady.

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