Really??!! Major condom leak during all sorts of crazy!! :(

Be careful what you wish for right??

I was feeling better after the weird flu that seemed to last forever, excited for our new RV that is only days away now, and having great sex then BAM!!

Condom leak!! šŸ™

This is NOT a drill and not a fetish script or acting but the recent pregnancy impregnation risk video is VERY real!!

Hereā€™s the description from the ā€œHere We Go Again REAL Impregnation Pregnancy Risk Condom Leakageā€ video:

ā€œHere we go again!! šŸ™ This was NOT planned or fake or acted, this was supposed to be just a nice fun relaxing pleasurable sex video, one of my favorite kinds with the camera over to the side on the tripod and just having fun and it was UNTIL the endā€¦ So many great edges and good vibes and orgasms along the way especially with being extra horny around ovulation then right after still SO good and happy and satisfied and then WAITā€¦ There doesnā€™t look like much cum in the tip of that condom?? Thereā€™s some cum all over the bottom of Bā€™s cock, mine does that a lot so I taste it, NOPE thatā€™s his which means thatā€™s his cum on the bed and inside me at the end too!! Like I really needed something else to be anxious about right now and because itā€™s right in the middle of my cycle I have to wait even longer than the last time we had a scare like this!! šŸ™ Stay tuned to VLOGs and blogs along the way for updates and cross your fingers and cocks for my period to start on time soon!!ā€

Just when I was thinking I donā€™t need anything else to worry about, now I get to wait for the next 2 weeks to see if Iā€™m pregnant or notā€¦

And you know how good I am at waiting or being patient about anything especially something this HUGE that I am NOT ready for right now with everything else going on!!

At least Iā€™ll be super busy moving everything I own into our new RV in the meantime but thatā€™s still constantly worrying me in the backgroundā€¦

Canā€™t I just wake up in 2 weeks, start my period and be magically moved into the new RV?? šŸ™‚

Going to try to focus really hard on that and some Easter fun this weekend and Iā€™ve been going HAM on my workouts to help deal too!!

Oh and since Iā€™ll be gone most of Easter weekend, my show that would usually have been on Sunday morning is on Monday morning instead at 10am Eastern US time

And of course that NEW condom leak impregnation risk video is already up and live and waiting for your enjoyment on my site so at least some good can CUM of it while I freak out for the next 2 weeks!! šŸ™‚

The full version of that and THOUSANDS of others are on my official website in the members only section right here: ALL my videos!! šŸ™‚

And Iā€™ll be opening up higher tier memberships soon but they will only be available to current Bronze and other existing members first, so donā€™t wait šŸ™‚

And if youā€™re already a member, stay tunedā€¦ šŸ˜‰

Join now so you donā€™t miss those and still cumming with a brand new video EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!! šŸ™‚

New Bronze Membership Option

While VIP and Platinum are closed, Iā€™m introducing a brand new Bronze option with an Xtra special New Year discount on those down to the lowest price of the year for $29.99!! šŸ™‚

This is perfect for people whoā€™ve been curious to try my site for the first time but donā€™t care about the personal interaction and just want to get right to the content!! šŸ™‚

And Iā€™ll be opening up higher tier memberships again soon but they will only be available to current Bronze and other existing members first, so donā€™t wait šŸ™‚

And if youā€™re already a member, stay tunedā€¦ šŸ˜‰

You can see details on joining right here:

Cum Join Me Hereā€¦

Cum Join Meā€¦

If youā€™ve been on the fence about joining or just havenā€™t rejoined in a while, NOW would be a great time to join the fun right HERE now!! šŸ™‚

Now even MORE to add to my realest deepest darkest bio ever, at least for now right in the middle of this next big adventure!! šŸ™‚

Iā€™ve put out a brand new full video every single day for YEARS and YEARS with THOUSANDS built up in my membersā€™ area now!! šŸ™‚

Cum get caught up in my membersā€™ area right HERE!! šŸ™‚

Did you know I post a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my membersā€™ only section?? šŸ™‚ Cum join me inside to see what else youā€™re missing out onā€¦ šŸ˜‰

Join Me Here

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Donā€™t forgetā€¦

And donā€™t forget my next live weekly membersā€™ show is DIFFERENT THIS WEEK because of Easter, itā€™s on Monday MORNING, April 18, 2022 at 10am Eastern US time right HERE (if you canā€™t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Did you know I post a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my membersā€™ only section?? šŸ™‚ Cum join me inside to see what else youā€™re missing out onā€¦ šŸ˜‰

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Discover the truth of my deep, dark past but also my amazing and bright future in my full no holding back bio plus how to get more of YOUR favorite content here: The Real Story Behind Lelu Love...

2 thoughts on ā€œReally??!! Major condom leak during all sorts of crazy!! :(ā€

  1. glad your feeling better,your already a beautiful lady but with a maternal glow that would put u over the top.hope whatever you desire will be the outcome.i hope someone tells you this everyday, your my favorite porn star so genuine n a good actress.

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