First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
Had an amazing first puppy week!! Just took him to his first puppy class yesterday and he did great, he’s getting so big so fast and I’m learning to groom him, nothing fancy yet lol
Also got the new place we will be moving to in less than 2 months!! Seems like we JUST moved because we did less than a year ago so not looking forward to all the packing and unpacking again so soon but it will be worth it!!
I love the house we’re in now but the lease was only one year so hoping to stay in the next place for at LEAST 2 years and not have to move again EVERY year!!
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This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:
And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)