UPDATE 3 at 4:45pm Eastern US Time: And we’re back!! Finally got everything sorted out thanks to the AMAZING tech support, so everyone say THANK YOU to them too and all should be back up and running and ready for your cum loads again now!!
If you notice anything a little weird or funky now that the dust has settled, please let me know!!
Things should be faster and better than ever moving forward…
Some of you may have noticed the site acting funky over the last couple of days, been some major technical difficulties with servers and security settings and a bunch of other stuff I don’t understand lol but luckily they do and they’ve been working long and hard to get it taken care of so everything should be back to normal later today and I’ll update here when it is!!
Thanks so much for your patience and I hope this gives you a little bit of time to build up a nice big load to release in celebration when the site is back up!!
UPDATE 1 at 11:45am Eastern US Time: Parts of the site are back up and moving the rest around to get it all working again, going to be some login issues right now so don’t think you’re doing something wrong if it won’t let you log in right away, will update here again when more is working and the login issues are fixed… Keep stroking and edging your cock in the meantime… lol
UPDATE 2 at 3:45pm Eastern US Time: Ok problem one solved of getting the login page working again and now they are going back through and updating all the videos again to get those working again, so getting there, we’re about half erect now lol
Thanks for working so hard to fix things for us! I had just downloaded the latest 3 videos yesterday morning and your Twitter feed is great as usual so I’m good for awhile. Do miss the voyeur cams though. Glad I caught the periscope this morning but had to leave early due to local approaching visitor;-)
Have a great day, despite the IT trouble.
lol thanks so much Walt and yes IT trouble sucks and not in the good way!!
Hey Lelu thanks for the info
looking forward to when it’s back up! We will all indeed keep stroking and edging in the meantime! lol – James
My pleasure James and thank YOU for your patience too!!
It’s cumming back and waking up in bits and pieces…