I heard the words you hope you never have to hear from a doctor… :(

“I think you have cancer…”

Even though that’s been a high possibility ever since all this started (My Medical Issue That I Couldn’t Keep Quiet About Any Longer…) and they found this giant tumor inside me, it still hit HARD to actually hear it out loud from a doctor for the first time…

At least he also said that if it is cancer then he can’t know anything for sure until he gets in there but he’s pretty confident it’s early enough…

Which means the same surgery I already knew I would have to have anyway would take care of it all and be one and done…

That was the surgeon behind door number one but with something this serious of course I want multiple opinions and options!!

The surgeon behind door number two mostly agreed but was a little more optimistic that it could still be a REALLY big benign tumor… (Graphic pic of my tumor, not for the squeamish…)

But either way if it is anything below stage 4, I should have a whole new lease on life after this surgery with pain free eating and digestion in as long as I can remember!! 🙂

I still need to sleep on it because this is all just SO much to take in at once, but I’m pretty sure I’m going with surgeon number 2 because I like his technique a lot better too…

He was much more understanding about finding the balance between doing whatever it takes to keep me safe but also not slicing me up like Edward Scissorhands 🙂

Of course if the small chance that it IS stage 4 and has spread then that will change everything and we’ll cross that ass lightning bridge if we have to but hopefully not!! 🙂

So for right now, if we finalize everything with him then my surgery would be in just about a month from now which would give me one more good stretch to get everything prepared and ready for the big day!!

I’ve never been SO excited and SO terrified for something in my life!! 🙂

It sounds like my downtime and recovery won’t be nearly as bad either as long as everything goes ok in the surgery and with the anesthesia and all…

At least there’s light at the end of this colon tunnel now and something for me to latch on too and get ready for instead of everything just being completely up in the air…

I’m just SO ready and curious of what’s going to happen on surgery day and especially with the official FULL biopsy after!!

Thank you SO much AGAIN for sticking with me and being so amazing and patient and supportive through everything and me STILL continuing to try to work my way through my HUGE backlog of emails and messages…

I’m getting there and plan to be even more caught up by surgery day so I can keep busy between now and then with all the waiting!! 🙂

And now back to our regularly scheduled sexiness and naughty fun!! 🙂

Cum get caught up in my members’ area right HERE!! 🙂

Weekly Pics Poll

Here’s where I post my favorite pics of the week and you vote on YOUR favorite!! 🙂

Sound fun?? Here’s this week’s pics then the quick poll below:

Female POV Pussy Legs Feet In Bath
Great Hair Day Boob Flash
MILF Bod In Dress Hard Nipples
Spreading Asshole Pussy Wide Open And Soles

YOUR favorite pic of the week?? 🙂 (May12)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? 🙂 Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on… 😉

Join Me Here

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Don’t forget…

And don’t forget my next live weekly members’ show is this Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 11am Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? 🙂 Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on… 😉

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10 thoughts on “I heard the words you hope you never have to hear from a doctor… :(”

  1. Lelu, I’m sorry you have to go through this but greatly impressed with your grace, confidence and determination.

    Wishing you well,

    P.S. – you probably won’t visit my website, but since you asked for it below, it have to tell you it’s woefully uncared for and in need of reconstruction!

  2. Lelu, DEFINITELY look up “Dry Fasting” on YouTube and educate yourself as much as possible about its miraculous anti-cancer effects. I effectively healed my Stage 4 (and extremely painful) pancreatic cancer this way.

    Email me if you ever need anything answered. It truly is an incredible tool at your disposal.

  3. Hang in there, Lelu, I’m sure all will be fine once this is all over.
    I admire how you manage to stay your cheerful self despite the obstacles life is throwing at you.

    Take care,


  4. I cannot begin to imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you are going through right now ☹️

    While the news is certainly scary and the unknown is even scarier, at least you’re starting to figure things out and are taking action, which is the most important thing.

    Praying that things go well with your surgery and everything else. If there is anyone on the planet that has the strength mentally and physically to kick this situations ass it’s you!!

    Sending you lots of love and support!! 💪💕

  5. I am so sorry you have gotten the news of possible cancer. I know it was heart breaking when mom got the news if I can help in any way let me know big hugs and lots of prayers for you and your family

  6. I am super impressed by your positive attitude about all this. I am sure you have many emotions about this but you sound very brave like you are handling it well with a sense of humor even. Very impressed. Prayers coming your way.

  7. Lelu,
    I’m very sorry that you had to hear this kind of news. I got that same news myself about 18 months ago. Yes, it’s scary and upsetting having to face an entirely new set of unknowns.

    I had some good doctors, some great family support and A LOT of prayers from a lot of friends. I’m sure that you have that kind of support, too.

    After surgery and chemotherapy, I can truthfully say that I have been given a new lease on life. I, sincerely, hope that you will have that chance as well. I’m not saying that what you’re facing is easy, but getting the news is hardest part. With that behind you, once you decide what your best course of action is, you can focus on what is coming and how best to handle it. The light, at the end of the tunnel is not, necessarily, an oncoming train. 🙂

    Life is like an obstacle course. This is just one more of life’s little obstacles. You’ve already proven that that you can overcome things in your path. So what’s one more? You can do this.


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