First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
Interested in Virtual Reality?
3D porn came and went and never really caught on. 4K doesn’t seem to be doing much better but now the new “fad” everyone is talking about is virtual reality porn so I’d love your honest opinion on if it’s something you are interested in trying?
The main thing with VR is having to have the like headset goggles thing and I’m guessing most people don’t have those, but let me know if you do and if there’s enough of you out there that either have them or would get them if I test out some virtual reality stuff
Let me know in the quick poll right here:
Quick Virtual Reality Poll
This Week’s Daily Videos Screencap Recap
This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:
Don’t forget…
And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
4K is about a year or two away before it will be close to becoming standard. Much like 1080p when it came out. Right now it is mostly just early adopters utilizing it. I had a 4K set myself and sent it back because right now there just isn’t enough media produced in it. That may change when they start releasing the UHD Blurays for films.
Virtual reality is somewhat in a similar boat. It likely has a huge future in a number of ways. Not all of which are necessarily viewing traditional media with. However it is also early adopters. Currently you have to fork out $599 for the Oculus Rift or $799 for the HTC Vive. Those are the two main entrants and that is a fairly high buy in for most people. In addition to that you may be looking at needing a $1,500 Windows PC just to power them.
4K I think possibly sees wider adoption first once their is more of a standard and more mainstream content produced in it. Right now it is basically Amazon and Netflix for big players with 4K content. Youtube supports it as well and I have seen some creators dallying with it.
Which is all slightly side topic I know. You will look phenomenal in 4K quality though.
So I would keep an eye on that quicker than the VR stuff.
Wow thanks so much for the great and detailed comment Phil!!
What about the cheap cardboard or Amazon viewers that you use with your phone, are those no good??
Ehh. I haven’t used the Gear VR from Samsung which is actually made by Oculus. However I did try the Google Cardboard. With what was available for that platform it quickly became an underwhelming experience. I think VR can be great for some things but not as much for others. I have noticed a handful of pay adult sites producing VR stuff though. Just requires a lot of firepower to play it. 4K is much easier to do on even a cheap computer.
As far as porn VR I would say fans of the POV style video would like what is currently produced. As that seems to be as much as can be done currently.
Any ways if I wasn’t a tech head these probably would have been three word replies. Lol. Love what you do and best of luck when you do try these newer technologies.
Yep that’s what I was thinking since some people are using those cheaper headsets for my POV videos anyway and they say it looks good, I was thinking it would be even better if they could watch them that way being recorded the VR way, just not sure how many people already have or would get the headsets to try it out but thanks again for your great comments!!
Everyone has them now. Please do VR!
vr porn is the real deal. all it takes is a $10 headset and a smartphone for the basic VR experience, and even with that basic setup its an amazing experience. the reason it isnt a fad is because it really is a unique realistic experience unlike anything, it is the future
Thanks Ray!!
And yep that’s one of the main questions I had if those cheap headsets can still make it awesome since of course not everyone can afford the expensive ones, just emailed you too 
I just had my first VR porn experience and it blew me away! I’m just using a cheap headset with the cardboard app and I’m sure a better setup would look better, but the experience was amazing and to be honest, the first thing I did after that was search “lelu love vr” and found this.
Thanks Tinnis, glad you had fun and wish I had some ready for you but hopefully soon if they start getting some good cams out to make it and thanks for thinking of me!!
I was looking up my early emails from Lelu and I found this one about Virtual Reality which came to my inbox in more than two years ago from Lelu! I am a tech savvy or even nerd person but I wasn’t thinking much about this technology and if it has any future but she was trying to adopt with it and the email was basically a friendly request to see how many of the members are either using anyone of those or at least interested in doing it in the future. WoW. I can simply remember that I didn’t bother answering her email but now I in more than two years with everything happened, I couldn’t stop myself to testify how surprised I am to understand the fact that Lelu really loved performing and offering the best of what a person could do. An individual and not a film studio Co.
I am very grateful for the moments that I spent in my private with Lelu. She is one of my best favorite stars and I wish her the best.
This is me you are talking to Jay so thank you for the great and kind words and hope you can CUM back again sometime
A/V professional and long time blog lurker here. I have tried Cardboard, Gear VR, and Oculus Rift DK2. I have to say I am in love with VR, and VR Adult Film is no exception. I have seen it done in 360°, 180°, and flat 3D. My preference has been 180°. 360° is too busy, trying to look ALL the way around yourself gets difficult. Flat 3D doesn’t give the sense of immersion you would get from 360° and 180° video, which is the point of VR.
There are not a ton of VR video viewing applications right now that are reliable, so you may want to wait a few months before trying to release content. Virtual Desktop is currently the best solution on PC for Oculus and Vive, and MilkVR is the best solution on the Gear VR for viewing VR video content.
I have seen problems with VR filming that don’t seem to appear in flat 2D video. The most notable is the focus range of a 3D camera. In 2D filming, if an element of a video is out of focus, usually by being too close to the camera, it appears blurry. In 3D filming, when an object becomes too close to the camera, each eye (lens) sees a slightly different image that do not overlay to create the immersive 3D effect you want (like if you were to put your finger along the bridge of your nose). It has made a few videos I’ve seen out there almost unwatchable when the actresses get too close.
The other major issues I’ve noticed is camera placement and movement. If a camera moves in the process of VR filming, it WILL give the viewer nausea. If you think of it like car sickness, when you are “in” a space that is moving, but you have no control of the movement, and no bodily warning to anticipate it, your body reacts with nausea. The only way I can see to fix this problem is to leave the camera in ONE spot per scene. If you do want to change scenes, like from you solo to you with your man, make sure you do a fade to black, then a fade up. It gives your viewer the mental time to transition from one location to another.
With camera placement, if you are doing a POV scene with both yourself and your man, you will want to make sure the scene is setup in such a way that the viewer can visualize themselves as him, which can be more difficult with the needs of VR filming. Typically in a POV type shoot, you would be able to have the man or second person holding the camera, but because of the need for a single, non-movement positioning to prevent nausea, you will need to find a way to rig the camera in a single position with no movement whatsoever.
VR FILMING TIP 1: Determine the distance you need to be from the camera to film from, and do not get closer than that distance.
VR FILMING TIP 2: Find a fixed position to set the camera, and don’t move it.
SIDE NOTE: As of right now, I do not believe there are any studios doing VR Adult Film that take custom orders, which might give you a leg up on the other adult actresses in the Custom video scene.
Wow another great comment, thanks so much Carter, just emailed you too to ask a couple of questions since you seem to have a lot of experience with it too!!
Excellent description
love it she’s a great young lady and a great friend I love the photos nd the videos she has done for me and would have sex with her any day as pretty as she is
I love it I love the photos and the video she has done for me she’s a swetheart
Thanks Stanely, I’m glad you are still enjoying them
VR is taking off and I can’t believe the comments telling you to wait. Stop cock blocking!!!
There are some very good VR sites out right now and content is only getting better. I have seen some great videos with beautiful woman but man, I just won’t be completely satisfied until I get to see you Lelu in a VR movie. I can’t wait!! I’d probably call into work sick all week. Please, I’m begging you, jump on the VR scene as soon as possible.
Thanks Dill!!
The main thing right now just seems to be finding the right cam setup and supposed to be one coming out soon so definitely going to try it out when it does!!
If you know of any right now then let me know and we’ll check it out 
I was doing some extensive research last night on current VR camera setups you could use but then I got horny, rubbed one off to you and went to bed. I will tell you that out of all the VR sites out, has the best setup and the clarity is the best I’ve seen as well. The site of course doesn’t tell what they are using but if you could get some insider news, you couldn’t go wrong with their setup.
Yep let me know if you come across any of the setups, the only ones we’ve seen either have bad reviews or SUPER expensive so hopefully something will come out soon somewhere in the middle
Porn is porn. It works for me any which way. Call me old fashioned, but VR is over rated. toado
I use a GearVR and have seen a lot of VR porn with it. This biggest problem with VR porn right now is a stunning lack of variety. 99.5% of the available scenes out there are vanilla sex with hot fit young girls and maybe the occasional anal scene. Much of it is very well done, but they all kinda feel the same.
VR porn needs some kink! I want to see pegging scenes, JOI and CEI, snowballing, mature women, BBWs… really anything more than a hot girl giving a BJ. There’s some sexy transsexual porn out there, but not enough, and very few scenes with the tranny topping.
I suppose it makes sense to cater to the lowest common denominator when producing porn for a fairly new format. They need to make a profit if they’re going to produce more, so until VR porn is more widely adopted they’re gonna keep playing it safe and we’re stuck with vanilla.
Yep just waiting on a camera to come out that either doesn’t have bad reviews or isn’t SUPER expensive so I can start trying some out!!
If you know of any let me know!!
Been waiting on one for a LONG time but they keep pushing the release date back and back and back 
When the right camera does become available, I predict you’ll be a major hit in this arena. Your ability to take sexy outside-the-box is unparalleled and to do that in a VR format where the viewer can get immersed in the scene.. well, you’d be amazing.
I love VR. It’s come a long way. I’m about to purchase my second headset. I would love Lelu in VR
Thanks CF, just emailed you too