Have YOU ever felt this and needed a mental health day??

The chaos continues!! lol Have to laugh at it to keep from crying right?? 🙂

I continue to have the same ups and downs that I hear from you too, and I had a rough couple days then I feel bad for having a rough couple days when I know SO many people have it worse so then I feel guilt and shame and blame myself all over again into a downward spiral…

BUT I finally took a mental health day or at least a mental health half-day and just shut everything off and crocheted my heart out!! 🙂

I already feel so much better and I’m trying to get better at accepting that it’s ok to have those ups and downs when all our lives are turned upside down right now!! 🙂

So if you find yourself stuck in the same negative loop I get caught up in sometimes just try to dive deep into a good and positive hobby even if it’s for just a couple hours and see if that doesn’t help turn things around a little bit for you too!! 🙂

I’m much more refreshed and recharged and ready for my show tonight so I hope to see you there too!! 🙂

My amazing members are what help keep me going so the least I can do is try to return the love!! 🙂

Cum join me here and let’s keep getting through these wild and crazy times together!! 🙂

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Don’t forget…

And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 8pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

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Discover the truth of my deep, dark past but also my amazing and bright future in my full no holding back bio plus how to get more of YOUR favorite content here: The Real Story Behind Lelu Love...

4 thoughts on “Have YOU ever felt this and needed a mental health day??”

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