Graphic pic of my tumor, not for the squeamish…

I’ve known something was wrong for a LONG time (My Medical Issue That I Couldn’t Keep Quiet About Any Longer…) but definitely wasn’t expecting this and even my doctors were surprised!!

Meet the world’s ugliest and scariest mister potato head because the tumor they found in my colon is as big as THIS potato:

This potato is about the same size as my tumor

If you want to see the REAL thing actually inside my colon, it’s not pretty so you’ve been warned…

Definitely not the sexy type of holes and canals you’re used to seeing around here but I am very proud of those squeaky clean walls from all the effort I put into the prep week!! 🙂

Scroll down to see it or just squint enough to scroll past it and pick up reading about it after that… 🙂

My colon tumor but look at those clean walls!! 🙂

That is what has been causing me all this pain and discomfort all these years!! 🙁

Of course I wish I had gone sooner and caught it sooner because I have no idea how long it’s been there or how fast it’s growing…

I was hoping to have the results of the biopsy faster but sounds like it could be up to TWO weeks!! 🙁

Obviously the main thing they are checking for first is if it’s Ass Lightning aka butt cancer…

It’s so big and causing such a blockage that it has to be removed either way though and that’s the part that I’m actually REALLY excited about!! 🙂

So if it’s not cancer or even if it is but it hasn’t spread then I’ll have the surgery to get it removed and hopefully have an amazing new life of eating and digesting and using the bathroom without pain for the first time in as long as I can remember!! 🙂

The colonoscopy prep was still super terrible but I was proud of my super clean insides, did you see those sexy clean walls and lining other than that ugly monster in the way in there?? 🙂

Plus colonoscopies are probably something I’m going to have to be getting more used to more often for a while after this!!

I’m hoping to have the surgery ASAP but it all depends on when and what the results are so I’m just trying to stay as busy and distracted as possible so I don’t go COMPLETELY crazy waiting, just mostly crazy 🙂

I know I’m still SO behind on emails, I keep working on them in chunks and I know you understand but I still feel bad for the people that don’t follow my blogs or podcasts (PODCAST #268: Found THIS During My Colonoscopy & What It Means) to know what’s going on or why I’m not my usual interactive self and taking so long to reply!! 🙁

I’m getting there slowly but surely and going extra HAM (hard as a motherfucker) over the next couple weeks to keep my mind off of it AND to plan ahead for some of the downtime after my surgery…

I was so out of it after the first double surgery or “surgical procedures” that are considered pretty routine and minor with the colonoscopy and the endoscopy that I don’t even remember most of it including this Facetime call with B!! lol 🙂

NOT Quite Back to Earth Yet… 🙂

Those were some rough days between the worst of the prep and the actual news and discovery then trying to process it all AND being sore and shaky and just off from the tubes in and out of both ends and the anesthesia side effects I seem to get worse than most…

My next surgery will be a lot more serious and considered a major surgery but at least a little more “routine” than I thought at first and not quite brain or heart surgery 🙂

It’s still surprising how REALLY excited I am for it though just to get this thing out of me!! 🙂

There’s been lots of tears and if you heard on the podcast also LOTS of carrots lol B binged on 3 POUNDS of carrots of all things so I’m just glad he’s never done drugs or alcohol like me!! 🙂

All the love and support pouring in has been amazing and so appreciated and there WILL still be new sexy content as always and I WILL be getting caught up because it really does help me stay busy and distracted right now and moving forward…

There will definitely be more updates to this blog post if I get any new news before the next one…

And in case you didn’t check back into last week’s blog post, here’s those updates right here again too:

UPDATE Sunday April 25, 2021: Here’s the podcast episode that goes into even more detail about it all and even MORE details and pics coming in this week’s blog post too: “268: Found THIS During My Colonoscopy & What It Means

UPDATE Friday April 23, 2021: Thank you all so much for all the love and support and I’m still processing everything so will have lots more details later but wanted to at least do a quick follow up because I promised I would at least let you know how it went but they did find a large mass in my colon that they sent a sample of to get biopsies so I still won’t know anything for sure for another week or so… My doctor seemed confident that we could get it taken care of no matter what it is but of course he brought up possible cancer aka ass lightning so I’m still freaking out but at least I can finally eat some real food and digest that along with all this and I’m just glad this is happening at this point in my life when I feel strong and confident that I can deal with whatever happens and hope you don’t mind coming along on this next journey with me too whatever it is, love you and thank you so much again and don’t worry the show WILL go on, I’m still doing my webcam show tomorrow just like I did the day after I got home from the hospital after being in labor for what felt like a week lol so this isn’t going to stop me either and hopefully lots more details and B’s perspective of it all too on the podcast this weekend!!

Weekly Pics Poll

Here’s where I post my favorite pics of the week and you vote on YOUR favorite!! 🙂

Sound fun?? Here’s this week’s pics then the quick poll below:

Super Closeup Just Pussy
Super Closeup Pussy And Asshole
Upskirt Pussy In Red Dress

YOUR favorite pic of the week?? 🙂 (Apr28)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? 🙂 Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on… 😉

Join Me Here

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Don’t forget…

And don’t forget my next live weekly members’ show is this Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 11am Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Did you know I post a FULL set of pics like this AND a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? 🙂 Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on… 😉

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Discover the truth of my deep, dark past but also my amazing and bright future in my full no holding back bio plus how to get more of YOUR favorite content here: The Real Story Behind Lelu Love...

25 thoughts on “Graphic pic of my tumor, not for the squeamish…”

  1. I’ll keep praying for you every day. God has a plan for you. Just as I hope he had a plan for my wife, who went home to him last month. Two days after our 37th wedding anniversary. Take care.

  2. Lelu, wow that was some tumor. You couldn’t tell something wasn’t right after years of not pooping easily? Also, did the Dr’s happen to mention if your sexual activities (anal sex) might have contributed to its development? I ask because I have sex that way with my wife.

    I won’t be posting my real name, but I’m genuinely concerned

  3. Always here for you and prayers coming your way for what cums next. T-5 days for mine. They come out and take a Covid swab on Sunday.

  4. Those walls are SPOTLESS!!
    Hoping you get the results soon, in the meantime glad you’re staying busy and still having a few laughs.

  5. Prayers and hopes for benign tumor results. You’re strong. Hang in aand be positive as you know you are in The Lords Hands now.

  6. Ai Lelu, that tumor looks huge!
    Look after yourself and realise that it is time to ficus on what matters most, yourself, we will be here supporting and waiting for you.
    Look after yourself, big hugs.

  7. Always thinking of you, Lelu. You have helped me out and been such an amazing friend. Sending Lots of Love, prayers and positive vibes your way for your happiness, health and success always unconditionally ❤ You have so much support not just from me but so many others. Love you Lelu

  8. Dear Lelu I will pray for you every day.
    I adore you because you are always optimistic. Take good care of yourself💓

  9. Hope they get it all out , sending well thoughts , Know what you mean about the waking up sick part , I have to have one every 5 years .

  10. I’m glad that this operation went well for you lelu!!! You have a beautiful spirit and it shows in your glow!!!
    To a beautiful soul

  11. Do not be sad, Lelu!
    Four years ago I also had a tumor in my intestine (rectum). It disappeared completely after radiation and chemotherapy. I wish you good treatment!

  12. Im am sorry to see you have to go through this, hope everything goes fine. I would do just about anything when you are well to have sex with you and your husband

  13. If your liver is functioning normally the tumor is probably benign. Since the first place colon cancer metastasizes is to the liver. So that’s some hopeful news. Unfortunately I’ve traveled this road with my Dad who died of colon/liver cancer, and my Mom who passed from lung cancer-12 days after my Dad passed.
    Got my fingers crossed, the bible my grandmother gave me is beside me, put a yamica on, rosery beads in one hand, worry beads in the other, my coven sends their best to you. and if I can find a chicken I’d cut that suckers head off and say a voodau chant for health.
    Hope that covers everything!

  14. I hope and pray all will go well for you Lelu .
    You help to keep up the morale of a lot of lonely guys
    like me out there !

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