I’ll be Co-Hosting on 102.5 The Bone on Saturday, March 25

I’ll be a co-host on my favorite radio station tomorrow, 102.5 The Bone!! 🙂 And even if you aren’t local there are plenty of ways to watch and/or listen!! 🙂

I’ll be co-hosting The Cat Named Mo Show on 102.5 The Bone on Saturday, March 25 from 12pm to 3pm Eastern Time.

They have an app for iTunes here and Android here.

Or you can listen right on the Bone website without having to download or install anything.

Or you can watch on BoneTV (not a porn site lol).

And you can call in to ask me questions or just say hi at (727) 579-1025

And the “I’m A Love’R” T-Shirt Design Winner is…

*UPDATE* Oct. 5 – Pre-Orders are now over, thank you so much again to everyone that ordered one and I will be in touch soon if not already with more details on when they will be CUMMING to you 🙂 If you missed out this time around, I’ll let you know when the next batch is available after these first orders are all taken care of 🙂

*UPDATE* Oct. 4 – Today is the LAST day for the Pre-Order bonus, ends tonight at midnight and there are only a couple left now of the most popular sizes and zero of the others, thank you all SO much if you already ordered one, can’t believe how fast this first set of them went!! 🙂 You’ll still be able to buy them later but the Free Shipping offer will be gone after midnight tonight 🙂

*UPDATE* Sep. 29 – WOW I love my Love’Rs!! 🙂 You all have already bought over half of the first run of shirts, thank you!! 🙂 Some sizes only have a few left so if you haven’t already gotten one, pre-order it now before your size sells out!! 🙂 I can’t wait to start sending these out to you and I’ll of course keep you updated as soon as I have them, can’t wait to see them in person!! 🙂

SO excited about this, thank you all so much for all of your amazing feedback and comments, this overall design was the winner by far but also thanks to the comments was made even better with the little white reflection in the heart which was one of the few things that you all liked about the other design so now it’s the best of both worlds and I love it and hope you do too!! 🙂

I already want to put this “I’m A Love’R” design on EVERYthing lol


Some of you were there on the live webcam show a couple weeks ago when I kind of accidentally came up with this saying then B put the icing on the cake suggesting the “apostrophe R” so it’s like Justin Bieber has his Beliebers, Taylor Swift has her Swifties, and now I have you, my (Lelu) Love’Rs!! 🙂

I “love” how simple it is and also doesn’t scream “PORN” lol So you can say it and/or wear it anywhere without any prudes having to know you’re a little naughty 😉 That’s also why I love the shirt design and didn’t put my website or anything like that on it because I’m going to want to wear this everywhere too!! 🙂

So if you wannabe my Love’R I’m doing free shipping for all the preorders (reduced shipping for international orders too) and totally optional if you want me to sign it and/or I can take a personalized picture of me wearing it before I send it off to you 🙂

The preorders are only available for the next 7 days or when the first run sells out whichever comes first and the shirts will be sent in plain packaging with nothing “porny” or anything like that to protect your privacy.

Also, it will only show as “SP * Shopify LL” on your credit card statement so nothing weird or crazy there either and they are one of the biggest most trusted online sellers so your information is protected by them too.

I’ll personally follow up with everyone who preorders a shirt to find out if you want me to sign it and/or take a picture of me wearing it before sending it off.

The shirts will be back from the printer and ready to send off to you in about two weeks (probably sooner but rather be early than late ;)).

Pre-Order Here Now

*UPDATE* Oct. 5 – Pre-Orders are now over, thank you so much again to everyone that ordered one and I will be in touch soon if not already with more details on when they will be CUMMING to you 🙂 If you missed out this time around, I’ll let you know when the next batch is available after these first orders are all taken care of 🙂

There are a VERY limited number in this first run so if you want one of the first ones AND the free shipping (reduced shipping for international) that only comes with these Pre-Orders, then CUM on, don’t waste any time before your size sells out!! 🙂

If you have any questions at all about anything, just let me know in the comments below and I’ll be glad to help!! 🙂

My website is CUMMING back very soon!! :)

UPDATE 3 at 4:45pm Eastern US Time: And we’re back!! 🙂 Finally got everything sorted out thanks to the AMAZING tech support, so everyone say THANK YOU to them too and all should be back up and running and ready for your cum loads again now!! 🙂 If you notice anything a little weird or funky now that the dust has settled, please let me know!! 🙂 Things should be faster and better than ever moving forward… 🙂

Some of you may have noticed the site acting funky over the last couple of days, been some major technical difficulties with servers and security settings and a bunch of other stuff I don’t understand lol but luckily they do and they’ve been working long and hard to get it taken care of so everything should be back to normal later today and I’ll update here when it is!! 🙂

Thanks so much for your patience and I hope this gives you a little bit of time to build up a nice big load to release in celebration when the site is back up!! 🙂

UPDATE 1 at 11:45am Eastern US Time: Parts of the site are back up and moving the rest around to get it all working again, going to be some login issues right now so don’t think you’re doing something wrong if it won’t let you log in right away, will update here again when more is working and the login issues are fixed… Keep stroking and edging your cock in the meantime… lol 😉

UPDATE 2 at 3:45pm Eastern US Time: Ok problem one solved of getting the login page working again and now they are going back through and updating all the videos again to get those working again, so getting there, we’re about half erect now lol 🙂

Help me help you and let’s squash some bugs!

LeluLove.com is going through a transition, not transitioning like Bruce Jenner, just a new website design 🙂

And like with all big changes like this, I’m sure there’s going to be some things broken or missing, so I need your help finding the bugs and reporting them so I can get them fixed!! 🙂

Hopefully you like the general idea so far, and we can make it even better together 🙂

So if you see anything weird or broken or just have a suggestion or feedback, then please leave a comment below and/or email me at lelulovexoATgmailDOTcom

Early webcam show today, 2pm EST

If you haven’t already noticed by the big timer at the top of my official site, I’m doing my show early this week since I’ll have family in town, so instead of my usual Wednesday at 10pm time, it will be TODAY, Sunday December 7th at 2pm Eastern Standard US time.

I try to do earlier in the day shows every once in a while like this too to help out my lovely European and other international members that can’t stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning when my normal shows are 🙂

So be right HERE at 2pm EST today for my live webcam show and I’ll see you there!! 🙂