Another great miXXX of what you all my Love’Rs watched and masturbated to most this past month!!
Category: Site Updates
My Top 5 Most Popular XXX Videos from January 2020
My Top 5 Most Popular Amateur Porn XXX Videos from December 2019
My Top 5 Most Popular XXX Videos from November 2019
My Top 5 Most Popular XXX Videos from 2019 so far!! :)
My Top 5 Most Popular XXX Videos from November 2018
Cyber Monday 2018 Is Here!! :)
UPDATE: This deal is expired, but of course you’re still welcome to order a 1on1 Skype show and if you beCUM a member first then you still get the 50% member price too
This year I’m doing something special for Cyber Monday and it’s a BOGO Buy One Get One Free for your own private 1on1 webcam shows!!
Why did I choose to offer the Cyber Monday deal for the 1on1 Skype shows of all things??
Because these are some of my most fun things to do since there’s no better virtual connection than full on cam2cam face to face fun
I know I know, many people are too shy for that especially at first, so yes you are able to do what about half of people do that order their first 1on1 show:
They simply turn their webcam off or point it at the ceiling and just use the microphone to talk to me while they can still see AND hear me
Or if you’re REALLY just wanting to dip your toe in the world of live interaction, a few people even prefer to just type on their first show but of course can still hear and see me live
Almost everyone that starts with either of those options either warms up and ends up going full cam2cam during that same session or at least in a future session once they see there’s nothing to be afraid of
I’ve done shows with people of ALL shapes and sizes and races and I would never judge anyone for any awkwardness or looks or anything like that
And where better to practice your social skills than on a live show from the comfort of your own home??
I’ve had guys use their 1on1 time to do just that, practice approaching women or ask me questions about their body language and other dating related questions.
Some guys just like to watch me undress or get me to watch them “whip it out” and get my opinion on their penis
Some guys like to get right to the action with some mutual masturbation and dirty talk.
Some guys like to chat before or after or some not at all, just all action dirty talk, orgasm then gone!! lol
And then some guys like to just chat the whole time with no sexual stuff at all.
Whichever one sounds the most like you is totally fine, that’s why I love these shows so much, this is the most personal and personalized thing I do
And with the Buy One Get One Cyber Monday deal, you can use them however you want, any or all of a mix of the options above
You have until tonight Monday November 26th, 2018 at 11:59pm Eastern US time to order a 15 or 30 minute show from the store page right here then you’ll automatically get the second one free:
Buy One Get One Free, 1on1 Private Webcam Show
Yes, this is eligible for current members too for an even deeper discount since my VIP and Platinum members get 50% off EVERYthing on the store page already
And yes this is eligible for the people that have taken advantage of the Black Friday special Trial deal too as long as yours hasn’t expired yet
Once you order the show, I’ll email you to find out what time zone you are in, then we’ll figure out a time and day that works for both of us for your first one and it’s a date!!
Hope to talk to you and see you soon!!
2018 Black Friday Deal!! :)
UPDATE: This deal is now expired, but of course you’re still welCUM to join the fun and see why my site is about MUCH more than just the porn and is the most interactive on the net!!
CYBER MONDAY UPDATE!! You can combine the full Black Friday Deal below on this page with this new Cyber Monday deal HERE for today only!!
For the first time ever what SO many of you have asked for that are on the fence about trying my site, from now until midnight on Cyber Monday, this is the first ever trial membership option!!
You can try my site for one full week for only $10!!
If you don’t love it, you can cancel anytime in that first week and you won’t be charged again, or if you stay on you will get ALL the VIP benefits for the VIP price of $99/month. (You can see all the VIP benefits and skip right past the trial part on the main join page here: Skip the Trial, Join Now )
For those of you that want to do the trial first instead, a few things to remember and realize first:
1. The trial membership does NOT include downloads, I know most of you are amazing upstanding citizens but there will be a few bad apples that try to take advantage of the cheap trial then just want to download as many of my videos as they can. If you try to download using any programs or any other ways, your membership will be canceled and not refunded so please save us all the time and trouble Your downloads will be unlocked/allowed after you become a full VIP member after your 7-day trial.
2. You DO get access to ALL of my video library for streaming (over 3 THOUSAND videos and a new one added EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.!!)
3. You DO get access to all the webcam shows which are multiple every single day at all different times of day from lots of amazing models AND my personal live webcam show on Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern Time
4. You DO get access to my 24/7 Voyeur Cams
5. You DO get the personalized picture for filling out the new member survey after you start your trial
6. You DO get access to my private Snapchat account during your trial period too
7. And you DO get the special 50% off VIP-only discount off of EVERYthing on my store page during your trial too!! So even if you’ve just been on the fence about ordering a custom video or Skype show, you can basically use this trial to pay $10 to get 50% off any or all of that!!
So if you’re one of the people that have been wanting to try my site but weren’t sure it was worth it, then let me prove it to you!! Or if you’ve just masturbated to a bunch of my free videos but couldn’t quite afford the full membership but want to say thanks this $10 trial would be a great way to do that too!!
This link to start your 7-day trial is only good from right now on Black Friday, November 23rd, 2018 until 11:59pm on Cyber Monday, November 26th, 2018 at the latest, unless LOTS of you take advantage of this trial all at once and I can’t keep up with the personalized pictures then I’ll have to remove this link early, so don’t wait because access to my site to peek behind my curtains has never been available like this as a trial until right now!!
Top 5 Most Popular Videos of June 2018 updated!! :)
Here were my 5 most popular videos from last month, thanks for CUMMING to them…
Site Upgrades, let me know if you find any bugs…
First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
Site Upgrades, let me know if you find any bugs…
You might have noticed some things going slow or error messages and stuff like that recently but now after lots of behind the scenes tweaks everything SHOULD be faster and better than ever!!
But if you do notice anything weird or slow or login problems or anything else then please let me know so I can get it fixed for you!!
I have family coming this week so the downstairs house cams will be off from Thursday to Tuesday but upstairs cams will be on for bath time and studio time
Weekly Videos Screencap Recap
This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:
Don’t forget…
And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)