When and How to Send Your Dick Pics to Women – Ep006

Podcast Episode 6

*WARNING* You’re about to see dick fungus!! lol 🙂 Listen to this podcast episode first if you haven’t already, then decide if you want to click:

Click Here to See B’s Dick Fungus that we talked about in this episode

And here’s my fungus free va jay jay to cleanse your palate after lol 🙂

Yay, Fungus Free!! :)
Yay, Fungus Free!! 🙂

In this episode you will hear:

  • When and how to send dick pics to women
  • How and why my site got hacked!
  • What’s wrong with B’s penis?
  • How my dad found out I do porn
  • What my new morning routine is and why
  • Who B sent a dick pic to that has also held his balls
  • Why I don’t watch my own videos
  • Which toy gives me the biggest orgasms
  • What my family thinks about what I do
  • An eXXXtra nasty and naughty masturbation encouragement

And don’t forget the super important poll question too!! 🙂

Lelu Love Podcast

Congrats to Damien and Simon who had their questions answered in this week’s episode! They will both be getting a free personalized picture.

Remember to go get YOUR question submitted to be answered in one of my upcumming episodes right here (then YOU could be featured next time and get your own personalized picture too):

Lelu Love Podcast


How I Do Creampies Without Birth Control Or Pregnancy – Ep005

Welcome to Podcast Episode 5!! 🙂

Totally remembered AFTER the podcast all the great news from the blog post about the FetishCon voting and all, but will be talking all about that too next week 😉

Here’s the picture too that we talked about of the behind the scenes “tripod” setup and you can see the light thing on top of the camcorder, that’s the piece that broke off one time going up the stairs and could have landed right on my face!! 🙁 lol

Behind the scenes setup
The homemade McGyver tripod and filming setup

In this episode you will hear:

  • How I still do creampies without birth control or getting pregnant
  • Why Cleo and I put panties on someone’s head in a public mall
  • What has ruined some of my panties for the last couple months
  • Why I take my body temperature every single morning
  • Which part of the Star Wars masturbation video took the longest
  • How B managed to pull off 2 cumshots in less than 5 minutes
  • Where I got the REAL scratches from in the zombie roleplay video
  • Why I don’t do 5 minute videos anymore
  • How to write up the perfect custom video order description
  • A descriptive and seXXXy jerkoff encouragement segment

Lelu Love Podcast

Congrats to Marc and George who had their questions answered in this week’s episode! They will both be getting a free personalized picture.

Remember to go get YOUR question submitted to be answered in one of my upcumming episodes right here (then YOU could be featured next time and get your own personalized picture too):

Lelu Love Podcast


How My Pussy Feels During Laser Hair Removal – Ep004

Welcome to Podcast Episode 4!! 🙂

My pussy is STILL sore but hopefully it will be back to normal and ready for at least a little action tomorrow… It’s been too long!! 🙂

I wish it was just sore from too much sex or masturbation. But you’ll hear in this week’s episode all about laser hair removal. This picture doesn’t do it justice but at least you can see the little welts and red marks around every burnt hair 🙂

my pussy after laser hair removal
My poor puffy pussy after laser hair removal 🙁

In this episode you will hear:

  • Why bumping pussies burned MY vagina
  • What laser hair removal feels like on my pussy
  • Another installment of the new XXX ending segment (WARNING: no boners in public!)
  • Why B’s undercarriage might look like Deadpool’s soon…
  • How to get cum stains out of yoga pants
  • Which of my jobs have NOT been “socially acceptable” (almost all of them…)
  • Where B and I met working together
  • What masturBAKING is
  • How our Russian pilates instructor saw B’s balls and she told him to get compression shorts!

Do you like the format?? Do you have any ideas or suggestions?? Let me know in the comments below!! 🙂

Lelu Love Podcast

Congrats to Walter and Vetle who had their questions answered in this week’s episode! They will both be getting a free personalized picture.

Remember to go get YOUR question submitted to be answered in one of my upcumming episodes right here (then YOU could be featured next time and get your own personalized picture too):

Lelu Love Podcast


When You See Me In Public, Do NOT Do This…! – Ep003

Welcome to Podcast Episode 3!! 🙂

I’m still not used to being recognized in public. Like “Oh yeah, people actually watch those videos I put on the internet??” 🙂

It’s starting to happen more and more often, including a great one this week which you’ll hear all about… 😉

In this episode you will hear:

  • The perfect way to approach me in public
  • What NOT to do and say when you see me
  • The new XXX ending segment (WARNING: no boners in public!)
  • Why I had a bleached vagina spot in my videos for over a year
  • Whose ass I was checking out who also kicked MY ass after
  • How I almost lost a finger during a live webcam
  • Why people congratulate me for being pregnant
  • My favorite recent video by FAR and why it turned me on so much
  • Why I had to stop and cry during a live show

Do you like the format?? Do you have any ideas or suggestions?? Let me know in the comments below!! 🙂

Lelu Love Podcast

Congrats to Nathan and Lorenzo who had their questions answered in this week’s episode! They will both be getting a free personalized picture.

Don’t worry, if you already submitted a question, yours could still be cumming up soon. There were just too many great ones to cram all into one episode.

Remember, go get YOUR question submitted to be answered in one of my upcumming episodes right here:

Lelu Love Podcast


How to Escape the “Friend Zone” and My Favorite Videos – Ep002

Welcome to the second episode, can’t believe we made it this far!! lol 🙂 Thank you so much for all the great feedback on the first one!! 🙂

In this episode you will hear:

  • How many downloads the first episode got already
  • My favorite XXX video of this past week
  • How I have a brand new video up every single day
  • My thoughts on masturbating in corsets
  • What type of videos do I love to make most?
  • How to avoid or escape the “Friend Zone”

Do you like the format?? Do you have any ideas or suggestions?? Let me know in the comments below!! 🙂

Lelu Love Podcast

Remember, go get YOUR question submitted to be answered in one of my upcumming episodes right here:

Lelu Love Podcast


My podcast is finally out! Listen to the first ever episode here

First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

It’s FINALLY here, been meaning to do this for SO long now but my podcast is now out!! 🙂

“Behind the Porn Scenes with Lelu Love” and the first episode is up and ready for your earholes 🙂

It was a lot of fun and I’m excited to do more, so please let me know what you think and if you want me to keep doing them too 🙂

Oh and if you listen all the way through (it’s only about 20 minutes) then you will hear a special link where you can go to watch backstage video footage from my feature dance performance this past weekend too!! 🙂

In the podcast find out:

– Which costumes and music I used in my sets
– Who took an Uber for over an HOUR to come see me!! 🙂
– What major surprise I got the morning after (half good/bad)
– One thing that went completely wrong in my last set
– What prop I used even though I was terrified of it
– The link to see backstage video footage from that night…

You can listen right here with the player below the cover or you can click the cover to go to iTunes and listen to it and subscribe there so you will get each episode for free right when they are released!! 🙂

Lelu Love Podcast

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 10pm EST right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Popping My Podcast Cherry – Ep001

I’ve been talking about doing this FOREVER and it’s finally here, my first “popping my cherry” podcast episode!! 🙂 Still trying to figure all this podcast stuff out, well B is anyway lol I just get to do the fun parts of talking which you know I love to do!! 🙂

So hopefully this all works and reaches your earholes, this one is a big test of course too but hopefully you like it so we can do more and get the hang of it 🙂

I still have lots of questions that lots of you submitted a while ago, and I haven’t forgotten about those, just didn’t want to waste them on this first episode in case it completely disappeared, so I’ll still getting to those soon and you can submit more of your questions that you want answered on the next show below in the comments or email them to me.

We’re going to try to keep the shows pretty short since I know you’re more used to SEEING me than just hearing me blab lol and might even try to add video to these after a few more too so you can watch and listen or just listen either way 🙂

Please let me know what you think, good or bad, so each podcast can get better!! 🙂

In this episode, you’ll hear all about my recent feature dance and how it went including:

  • Which lovely lady that you may know came out to support and play with me on stage
  • What I completely forgot and had NO time to fix at the last second!
  • Why I was terrified of one specific prop I used
  • How my morning after was cut VERY short at the last second

Have fun listening and please let me know what you think, all comments and suggestions and questions are welcome!! 🙂

Here’s the behind the scenes video mentioned in the podcast, listen to that first then watch this 🙂

[videojs mp4=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/ll-vids/LeluLove-20160321-BLOG-Behind-The-Scenes-Of-My-Feature-YWMF.mov”]


Lelu Love Podcast