The CRAZY ups and downs of this past week…

First off, don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

What A Wild Week!! 🙂

Last week was mostly amazing, picking up the rental RV which was SO great, then the road trip to Myrtle Beach for my first baby shower went smooth except for almost freezing inside the first night.

Then the actual trip was super fun and great too with lots of great family and friends that made it to my baby shower even though it rained all day so we were all packed inside.

Which I think is what helped lead to it all coming crashing down as I was SUPER sick the whole way home and if we didn’t have the RV for me to have a toilet and sink our regular minivan would have been destroyed!! 🙂

Glad to be back home and feeling MUCH better so it was just a quick 24-hour bug thankfully!! 🙂

I was so busy the first part of the trip never had time to masturbate and then so sick after still nothing so tonight on the webcam show will be my first orgasm in a LONG time, should be a good one!! 🙂

Weekly Poll

Weekly Videos Screencap Recap

This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:

Don’t forget…

And don’t forget the live weekly members’ show is tonight, Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 10pm Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)

Hear “How to get YOUR question featured on the show and a chance at a free personalized picture” on my podcast here:

Hear “How to get YOUR question featured on the show and a chance at a free personalized picture” in “Gross And Scary Reason This Podcast Is Late – Ep109” right here:

Listen here…