UPDATE March 31st: Looks like COVID is NOT the father and my test came back negative, not sure if that’s better or worse because I don’t know what it was but at least we all seem to be mostly over it for now so just hoping that holds and thank you so much for the get well wishes!!
Did we finally get “the VID”??
We’ve all been sick this week for the first time in a long time!!
A lot of the same symptoms but at least getting better each day and hopefully near the end of it!!
“Perfect” timing right during my period too!! It definitely makes everything seem and feel much worse!!
I didn’t think it was COVID at first but since it’s gone this long I’m going to at least get tested so I’ve already got an appointment set for that
Really hoping the new testing is MUCH better than the first time I did it near the beginning when it felt like an alien probing my brain through my nose!!
I’ve never been SO ready to get back to moving and walking and working out but between feeling bad and on my period at least my body has completely shut me down for now
I’m usually not good at taking it easy but I don’t really have a choice right now so B just has to try to wrangle me from going 110% as soon as I feel any better!!
I’ll try to remember to come back here and update when I get my test results which could be a couple days and I hope you are healthy and feeling better than me in the meantime!!
Totally messed up creampie week too!!
We only got one done but at least it was on the live webcam show which has been going so much better at the early time!!
And of course there’s still the HUNDREDS of creampies I’ve already done waiting for your enjoyment on my site!!
The full versions of those are all on my official website in the members only section right here: I scream, you scream, we all scream for Creampies!!
Join now so you don’t miss those and still cumming with a brand new video EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!!
New Bronze Membership Option
While VIP and Platinum are closed, I’m introducing a brand new Bronze option with an Xtra special New Year discount on those down to the lowest price of the year for $29.99!!
This is perfect for people who’ve been curious to try my site for the first time but don’t care about the personal interaction and just want to get right to the content!!
You can see details on that right here:
Cum Join Me…
If you’ve been on the fence about joining or just haven’t rejoined in a while, NOW would be a great time to join the fun right HERE now!!
Now even MORE to add to my realest deepest darkest bio ever, at least for now right in the middle of this next big adventure!!
I’ve put out a brand new full video every single day for YEARS and YEARS with THOUSANDS built up in my members’ area now!!
Cum get caught up in my members’ area right HERE!!
Did you know I post a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on…
Weekly Videos Screencap Recap
This was another fun and busy week with LOTS of custom video orders, so check out the screencap recap below and join now or login to the video page to watch any or all of them:
Don’t forget…
And don’t forget my next live weekly members’ show is the NEW TIME AND DAY this Sunday MORNING, April 3, 2022 at 10am Eastern US time right HERE (if you can’t make it, all the replays from all past shows are there too)
Did you know I post a brand new video EVERY SINGLE DAY on my site in my members’ only section?? Cum join me inside to see what else you’re missing out on…
Lelu, hope you feel better, rest.
Get well soon my friend I had it
Lelu, j had the same feelings as You. I wish You that you will back to health very fast. Manny kisses for You