One thought on “Where would YOU lick first?? :) MemberPic:”
I would start of course at your clit
I would give you a full body massage to relax all of you first
I would use massage oil on you to relax you
Depending on your type of clit and the lips of your pussy
Instead of going for the top I would lick your pussy lips
Once your lips started to become wet I would tease you with my tongue.
I would be very slow and kiss your body
Then I would get a toy penis the type that the head rotates inside itself to get you release yourself to be free and a woman
As you get aroused is the part of your pussy is where I would travel to you clit
That is where you will have to get back to me so I can take you on that journey
I would start of course at your clit
I would give you a full body massage to relax all of you first
I would use massage oil on you to relax you
Depending on your type of clit and the lips of your pussy
Instead of going for the top I would lick your pussy lips
Once your lips started to become wet I would tease you with my tongue.
I would be very slow and kiss your body
Then I would get a toy penis the type that the head rotates inside itself to get you release yourself to be free and a woman
As you get aroused is the part of your pussy is where I would travel to you clit
That is where you will have to get back to me so I can take you on that journey