In “Behind The Porn Scenes” Podcast Episode 268 you will hear:
What my tumor polyp/mass is the same size as!!
How I kept getting bitchy about people saying a colonoscopy isn’t that big of a deal!!
Why I went SO long ignoring my digestive issues!!
How I’m actually EXCITED for the upcoming surgery and why!!
Why I am VERY glad they found this inside me NOW and not years ago!!
Getting emotional and trying not to cry just thinking about what it would be like without it!!
Why B was crying and where he was!!
What B ate and HOW MUCH of it after we got the news and regretted it!!
How SUPER out of it I was after waking up from the first double procedure!!
What parts of the whole experience B remembers and I have NO memory of!!
When the scariest part of the whole experience and how I snapped out of it!!
How long my recovery time will be after surgery!!
My superpower that is SUPER gross and even worse how I developed it!!
Why I will have to have surgery no matter what the test results and biopsy say!!
How I can’t believe I actually still have ALL my original teeth with everything I’ve done!!
The video versions of the podcasts always get posted the week after, so you can listen to today’s podcast right now of course then go back and watch the video version of last week’s HERE.
Thanks for letting us know. We need to know what you’re going through. I’m not surprised B was crying. Let him know we’re crying with both of you. You’re doing a wonderful job and sounding very brave. Keep us informed all the time. We love you both in so many different ways. I’m sure I speak for everyone else too. You’re very special people. God bless all three of you.
I’ll take the pussy and leave the asshole to someone more adventurist than myself. tony