*UPDATE* August 18th 9am Eastern: And the results are in, I am NOT the father!! lol My COVID test came back negative which means at least all my hard work and staying safe and careful paid off because I would have been SO disappointed after everything I’ve done to avoid it if I STILL got it but SO glad I didn’t, still doesn’t make the last few days any easier that I’ve been SO sick AND still had to cancel my whole birthday week BUT finally no more fever and just so happy to be COVID free and hopefully no more setbacks so I can continue feeling better and start getting back on track and then start planning to reschedule all my postponed birthday plans too!!
Thank you all so much for all your support and patience and I promise I’ll be back to showing you all the love back soon too!!
*UPDATE* August 18th 8am Eastern: Still no official results but temperature is FINALLY down so that’s at least taken a lot of stress and anxiety off of a very tough week, still going to take it very slow and try to be careful not to do anything to bring it back on and hopefully the next update will have my official COVID results so I’ll know what my next steps are…
*UPDATE* August 17th 6pm Eastern: Still NO results all day and now they say will be tomorrow But I’ve already officially canceled the rest of my birthday plans for now anyway, no way I could do or eat any of it right now anyway
I’ve been resting all day but my temp has still been close to 103 all day so if this isn’t COVID then I think I wish I did have that instead!! Will update again tomorrow…
*UPDATE* August 17th 7am Eastern: So far NOT so good, haven’t heard about results yet but my fever spiked again overnight to over 103 So looks like even if this isn’t COVID I don’t think there’s any way I can go anywhere or do anything anytime soon…
Will still update here when I get official coronavirus results though…
*UPDATE* August 16th 12pm Eastern: We should find out my test results positive or negative sometime tomorrow, Monday August 17th and will update this message with the news as soon as I know!!
In “Behind The Porn Scenes” Podcast Episode 232 you will hear:
Why I’m at home INSTEAD of on my Birthday Disney trip right now!!
Which test results I had to wait for to see if my big birthday trip was ALL canceled or not!!
Why I already had to cancel the first half of my birthday trip!!
What one of my strengths is definitely NOT!!
How much I weighed at my slimmest and trimmest when I swam ALL the time!!
What weight range I’m going for and why!!
Why it’s better safe than sorry with COVID testing!!
Which video my abs were popping the most!!
Why B thought I had coronavirus even before my test results came back!!
The only way to order a custom video with a cumshot on my shoes!!
Which video had B’s biggest cumshot in a LONG time and why!!
What makes B pass out almost every time!!
How I wanted to literally have my cake and eat it too COVID or not!!
Why I had to keep my panties on in the last live webcam show replay!!
B’s excuse for passing out and freaking out a nurse and not being able to see straight!!
The video versions of the podcasts always get posted the week after, so you can listen to today’s podcast right now of course then go back and watch the video version of last week’s HERE.