In “Behind The Porn Scenes” Podcast Episode 215 you will hear:
Why I’m “CUNT DRACULA” for this episode!!
What small thing I can actually look forward to for each period…
Who on the farm had a major bloody incident last week other than me!!
Why “axe wound” slang for vagina actually makes sense sometimes!!
Recap of my recent naughty XXX porn videos with behind the scenes stories!!
How many cycles I’ve had in my life and why it’s 2 years less!!
Why voicing my feelings and emotions has helped me be more resilient and forgiving!!
Which movie makes me bawl my eyes out every single time!!
- Why you should NOT follow the news too much right now!!
What kind of shrooms supplement has made me think MUCH more clearly!!
Which color of bra and panties I always like to have one really good set of!!
How I feel about creampies!!
Why I don’t usually do custom nail colors for vids and pics!!
How Calypso has been fitting in perfectly around the farm!!
Where to see one of the craziest and funniest pics of the week, Exorcism Orgasm!!
The video versions of the podcasts always get posted the week after, so you can listen to today’s podcast right now of course then go back and watch the video version of last week’s HERE.
And here is the pic we mentioned in the podcast